I met a friend through one of my various social networking sites (I am on about 5 or 6) by the name of Teresa Butler, author of a magnificent children's series called "Simon Says" books focusing on mannerisms, courtesies and sharing. She posted a blurb asking if anyone knew an illustrator for her second book. I had just recently met Marcello Milteer on the same social networking site and recommended him--not sure if he was interested in getting work, but knowing we ALL want exposure. Marcello is the author of the children's book (with amazing illustration) entitled: The Karate Cat. (I bought it for Dominic and he loves it!!!) Anyhow, in the end, it seems Marcello and Teresa were a perfect literary match for one another and it seems he will be illustrating her second book! Kudos to you both!
Remember, you never know how 'what you do' and 'who you meet' and 'what you share with others' will do to help or change another person(s) life... We are artist after all, free-thinkers and the ones who add color to the soul of humanity...who are we NOT to share our gifts???
Read the story below...
Remember, you never know how 'what you do' and 'who you meet' and 'what you share with others' will do to help or change another person(s) life... We are artist after all, free-thinkers and the ones who add color to the soul of humanity...who are we NOT to share our gifts???
Read the story below...
Simon Says: The Pain of finding an illustrator
That's great Bobby! It's so nice when we can do something for someone else, even if it seems small to us, little gifts make the world go round.
And now I'm going to go get Karate Cat for my son!
Thanks Bobby! You have been one of the greatest things to come out of my book making journey, i knew i wanted to write a book but i never thought I would meet so many helpful and awesome like-minded people. Kudos!
Thanks for the kudos. I felt it was imperative I stress a big reminder to my fellow artists out there to remember why we do this. It is one thing to say I am successful because of my own work as an independent author...but absolutely not true at the same time. I wouldn't have gotten this far without the help, collaboration, encouragement and guidance of so many others.
You are most definitely welcome!!!!
Anything I can do to help my fellow artists...
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