Thursday, December 17, 2020

Down the biblical rabbit hole I go....

Have you ever worked on a writing project--you know, a simple writing project--and then, found yourself writing something totally different, and complex, within the body of the simple? If you haven't, you're fortunate--if you have--I'm sorry, I feel your pain.

This third bible study has been no easy task. I've spent now, close to 4 weeks studying the 3rd chapter of the epistle of James, in what should have been a relatively easy project. I say that, primarily, because the first two study guides over James, chapters 1 and 2, come out with relative ease. I think this third chapter has spoken to me so much, so intently, that I find myself expanding too far beyond the initial message, drafting, somewhat and somehow, another study entirely within the pages of this very short chapter. I've been stuck on two areas within this chapter's outline--the severity of improper teaching (gulp) and the source of biblical Wisdom. Both of these topics strike to the very heart of me, that when I start drafting questions to help the audience discover the message, I look up to realize I've written days of worth questions that should have lasted one day. I'm in an endless cycle of minimize and fluff--one moment I have the simple, yet profound questions drafted for the final two days of study, only to read over my draft and realize I've written days worth of content. 

So, what's the answer? Another study, no doubt! I think I need a study that focuses on biblical wisdom and Godly understanding. There is so much meat to be taken from this chapter and I'm in my 3rd re-write of the same 18 passages of scripture. That's the life of the student and the teacher, isn't it? 

Thanks and happy studying....

Thursday, December 10, 2020

"What is the peace or Shalom of the Lord?"

There is a lot of references to the Lord's peace or the Shalom of the Lord in the bible. Like many words or phrases in the bible, I've read them, heard them, quoted them, even applauded when others referenced them, etc., but never really studied the meaning behind the word--or the relevancy. That was of course, until my study of the epistle of James. As I have moved from reading the bible, to actually spending time in prayer, meditating and thinking on the words of the scripture, and studying the original context, to gain the Lord's understanding in the message--the Holy Spirit has revealed more of the Lord's truth and promises to me. It's amazing honestly, to think, we can read a passage, study it, spend time thinking about it and praying for the Lord's wisdom, and slowly, you hear this whisper in your heart, in the world around you and in people, and start to gain spiritual understanding. It's really something amazing. 

I have spent the past two full months, between October and today, studying the book/epistle of James. In my study I have written 2 daily bible studies (which are FREE downloads) and I'm wrapping up the conclusion to the Week 3 study of chapter 3, and like the Lord, He has brought me to a place to gain empirical understanding of the messages in James. Oh yes, not book knowledge understanding by fire. I've faced trials and setbacks, obstacles and roadblocks, and once again, I am standing in a place where I can only depend on Him and TRUST Him and His words to be true to get me through another season.  I am presently powerless over circumstances in my life--money, career, relationships--hardships and things, that in the past, would have broken me--if not brought out the ugly side of Bobby in my emotions and lack of control. When we can't control the circumstances of our future, nor understand why we face difficult times, we often resort to fear and anxiety. My habit and pattern has been to run tot the world for help and ask 1,000 people for a lifeline. Instead, in this new season, I've put the Word to the test, so to speak, and I've opted to stand on my faith and Trust the Lord--and in my solitary prayer time (of which started as 2-3 minutes per day in the beginning and has since moved to an hour), the Lord has begun to fill my heart with His Shalom--his peace.

What is peace? What is Shalom? It's toted as the absence of war--in the worldly sense of the word--but my understanding is growing beyond that today. The biblical interpretation is "completeness" and "to restore." For me, at this moment, those speak to a calming sense of contentment, in the midst of my trials and tests--to be content and still, knowing, the Lord IS bringing me to a place of completeness, or oneness with Him, and in that, restoring my spirit back to the original source--Him. That has been my experience of peace--not focusing on the multitude of problems that would destroy me with anxiety--not worshipping the problems of my life by talking about them all day, to everyone, but; instead, focusing on Him, and in it--a Shalom I can't explain, has overtaken  me. I can only say boldly: this place is so much better than handling the world's problems on my own.

So in essence, the Shalom of the Lord--the peace of the Lord that passes all (human/worldly) understanding is a contentment, a balance, and a place where I am not torn in the war of my soul and mind--stressing over the uncertainty's of the world and future--but instead standing, knowing, I don't know how, or when, but I know--Jesus, the Lord will provide at the right time. Oh, how sweet it is.

I pray you humble  yourselves, on your knees today, offering all your fears and concerns to Him; I pray you open your heart and plead with the Lord for his peace--for His Shalom--to restore you back to Him, to be complete in Him, and gain the balance that comes with saying--yeah, "though He slay me, yet will I trust Him."

God bless.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

As not to force my own opinions

No doubt, up until this point, the bible studies have been relatively easy to write, with easy being, they flowed really well and I've studied the content enough to spit out questions without delay or hindrance. That was to say--until I hit the first verse of Chapter 3.  That is what they call a roadblock. 

It's funny how the very things the Lord inspires you to do, parallel the very path you might be on in life, or more specifically, in your walk with the Lord. Verse 1 poses a point of consideration for people who aspire to, or have been called, to teach the gospel message. James is firm in his reminder that those who teach "will incur a stricter judgment" (NASB). How ironic, the very moment I decide to step further into my faith and walk with the Lord, and expand on the gifts He gave me, to write and teach, expanding on the gospel message, and I hit this roadblock that reminds me--you better be studied up!

We learn in 2nd Timothy that we should study to show ourselves approved unto God (2 Timothy 2:15) and no doubt, I took that warning very seriously. I spent 2 weeks reviewing, studying and meticulously reviewing every word in James chapters 1 and 2, comparing the original Greek text to the literal translations of the NASB and KJV, to ensure the questions drafted supported the original message. For some reason I just got stuck on that 1st verse--stricter judgement. I was faced with the reality, in my own study, that to teach the gospel message requires more than studying the words, but more so, bringing yourself to a place of subjection under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Without that, I would be imposing my own opinions and that my friends, would surely invite the judgment on myself. 

I want to serve the Lord, in transparency and truth, in teaching the gospel message, as I was called to, many years ago. I have since recorded my first teaching video on the opening verses of James, chapter 1 (The Joy of Trials), and now, I am preparing the follow-up lesson to record and publish this week. I spent almost 3 weeks reading and re-reading chapter 3, to ensure the message points to the gospel, and the questions bring my audience to a place to face their sins with confidence, and not guilt and shame.

A virtual bible study group on Facebook will begin using my bible studies on the book of James, beginning next week. I can't wait for the feedback, but more so, I can't wait to hear that someone, daring to be transparent and open with their responses, is finding freedom afforded in the gospel message. If so much as one person starts the transformation walk--then I would have completed my mission.

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